Secretariat and Staff

The volunteer staff of Northwest Model United Nations - Portland 2019.

Northwest Model United Nations - Portland is a relatively new conference, building off of the strength of our ties to Portland-area programs and the quality of our staff in the region. Our approach to building the volunteer staff for NWMUN-Portland is to create a team, drawn mostly from colleges and universities around the Northwest, that can help support the education of college students as they prepare to innovate to solve today's most pressing international problems. Our staff prepares nearly a year planning for each conference, writing background guides and delegate preparation materials, registering countries, and ensuring that the delegate experience is as positive as it possibly can be. We are grateful for the contribution of our staff members, who have made our conference programs a success, and we hope to welcome new individuals each year to join our team.

If you are interested in serving on the staff or Secretariat, please fill out a staff application. If you are interested in contacting a member of our staff, please check the Staff List. Finally, if you would like to learn a little more about this year's Executive Secretariat, please go to the Secretariat Bios page. Thank you!

NWMUN-Portland 2022 Contact & Staff List

NWMUN-Portland 2022 Secretariat Bios

NWMUN-Portland 2022 Staff Applications